Why You May Pay Dearly For Being a “Cool” Parent

Prom season is in full swing and graduation festivities are not far behind.  If all the pomp and circumstance has prompted you to honor your kid’s wish to turn your home into party central, you might want to consider what it’ll cost you. Forget about the bill for the food, beverages and decorations; rather, focus on how you may pay dearly if you aren’t familiar with social host ordinances. A “social host” is anyone who knowingly allows underage drinking to take place on property that he or she owns, leases or otherwise controls.  This is not to be confused with … Continue reading

Seven Things You Should Never Buy at the Grocery Store

There are certain items in the grocery store that will tend to cost you to spend more money than you should. Cut these ten thing out of your grocery store shopping on a regular basis in order to get the most for your money. 1. Cut up fruit and vegetables. You’ll pay much more for fruit and vegetables that have been pre-cut. While these items can certainly be convenient, it usually isn’t worth the premium price plus the shorter shelf life. If you really want your produce already processed, see if there is a version in the frozen food aisle. … Continue reading

Why I Rarely Spend Money on Bathroom Products

Some people put in line items for bathroom products, cleaning products and then groceries. Usually, we lump all of these expenses together, since I most often buy groceries and cleaning products at the same time. I was thinking about bathroom products, though, all of those shampoos, soaps, body wash, etc., and curious about how much we spend. With the exception of some special toothpaste because of one child’s allergy, we really don’t spend much money on bathroom products. In fact, I can’t recall the last time that we did. So how do I get away with hardly spending anything on … Continue reading

Silly Gourmet Pet Foods

While on a walk with my dog in a nearby town I discovered a doggie cafe. I thought that perhaps this establishment was a cafe that, if it didn’t cater to dogs, at least allowed owners to take their dogs inside. I knew this was unlikely, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a look inside. What I found, to my disappointment (but not to my surprise) was a pet supply store. The reason it called itself a cafe was tucked into a side room. There, stretching along the entire back wall, was a bakery display case filled with … Continue reading

Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?

A question that is asked by many is this…why aren’t I losing weight when I am eating healthy and exercising? This can be very discouraging. It seems like you are doing everything right, yet the pounds aren’t dropping. Well there are some important things to consider. The first is that it could be your body is gaining muscle. This is especially true if you have been doing a lot of resistance (strength) training. Another potential reason is that while you may not be losing pounds, you could be losing inches. This is why it’s always a good idea to not … Continue reading

What Are The Best Grocery Stores?

Consumer Reports released a survey Tuesday that lists consumers favorite grocery stores. Let us just say that Wal-Mart is not going to be too happy. The results were compiled from more than 24,000 responses across the nation. Wegmans, Trader Joes and Publix came in as the country’s favorite grocery stores, while Wal-mart, Pathmark and Shaw’s were the least favorite. Ratings on the grocery stores included service, cleanliness and prices. Readers also got a chance to complain about their least favorite things about the stores. One top complaint was that there aren’t enough check out lines. Clutter aisles, and sale items … Continue reading

Grain-Free Food Can Improve Behavior and Allergies

I started an experiment the day I took Chrestomanci to the vet: I put all of the animals on grain-free food. I’ve always wondered about whether or not I ought to take my pets off of corn-filled kibble, but the extra expense has always given me, and especially my husband, pause. When I asked the vet about Chresti’s dandruff problem she said that wetter grain-free food might help. A locally-owned store next to the veterinarian’s office sells a variety of such foods, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least go in and get a bunch of samples. I … Continue reading

St. Patrick’s Day Foods

With St. Patrick’s Day fast approaching, I have been thinking about and craving some delicious Irish food. Irish food is delicious at any time of year, and this week you can most likely find some of your favorites on sale at the grocery store or on special at restaurants. What kinds of things do people enjoy eating on St. Patrick’s Day? The most popular food on St. Patrick’s Day is the traditional boiled dinner of corned beef and cabbage. It is easy to make, hearty, and delicious. Many people make it in a slow cooker, but it can be prepared … Continue reading

How to Start a Home-Based Food Business

Does everyone rave about your mashed potatoes? Do you make the best jams and jellies? Do you know how to create the ultimate birthday cake? Maybe it is time to consider establishing a home-based food business. When you do something that you love, you tend to do it well. Why not take your cooking and or baking skills one step further and make some money from it? Here is what you need to know. The first thing you will need to do is to identify your food business. What do you want to make, to whom do you want to … Continue reading

January Food Bargains

I may be a little late with this one, since it is already the middle of the month, but it is better late than never! I wanted to make sure that I had the right bargains with my own real life experience to go with it. It used to be that monthly food bargains could be predicted pretty easily, but with the extremes of the economy and extreme couponing, I just can’t take anything for granted. So here are the food bargains that you should look in January, this month. Fast Food Yup, that is right, you read it here. … Continue reading