Food Storage . . . in a Trailer?

We’ve been counseled to get as much food storage as we are able. From six months to two years, whatever is feasible in our situation. Those with less are encouraged to work on getting more. It’s wonderful counsel. I endorse it, love it, approve of it . . . but the doing of it has turned out to be a little tricky. You see, I live in a trailer. It’s a very nice trailer, don’t get me wrong. It’s 17 x 72, which means it’s wider than your average single wide and it’s arranged well. But it does not have … Continue reading

How to Store Your Pantry Meals

If you have decided that pantry cooking food storage is a good option for you, you may really love this method for storing your “pantry meals.” Even if you do a different type of food storage, you may like to adapt this method of storage to the foods that you have. If you store your food by individual ingredients (like putting all of your jars of peanut butter in one place) you will have a few difficulties. First, you will have to keep a meticulous inventory of how many of each item you currently have. This requires a great deal … Continue reading

Five Areas to Consider When Planning Your Food Storage

It is the beginning of a new year, and you may have decided that this year you will begin to build up your food storage. This can be a daunting task, not to mention expensive. Before you rush out to buy a year’s supply of dehydrated food you should consider some important factors. There is a lot to be said for the food storage that is based on the pantry principle. It is also important to consider other factors when storing your food. Here are five areas to look at when starting to plan your food storage. 1) The most … Continue reading