Why Are Comfort Foods So Comforting?

I’ve finally recovered from my virus (I think!), four days of fever haze and comfort foods. And now that I’m thinking clearly again, I’m wondering why comfort foods are so dang comforting? The general consensus seems to be that comfort foods bring up good, safe, happy childhood memories. They’re generally not fancy, not gourmet… they’re familiar, comfortable, and filling. My own comfort foods? Well, as soon as I started feeling sick, I asked my roommate to go to the store for ginger ale and orange juice. They’re my go-to sick drinks… almost definitely because that’s what Mom always gave me … Continue reading

Five Things to Consider When Storing Food for Young Children

When you plan food storage for your family, you need to take into consideration the needs of your children. If you have infants, toddlers or preschoolers you may want to take the nutritional needs and eating habits of children that are so young. Here are five areas that you should consider. 1) If you are planning on having a baby you may want to stock up on formula (at least enough for emergencies when you cannot nurse), baby food, diapers and wipes. While you can make your own baby food certain vegetables are not as safe to use, and so … Continue reading

Food Storage: Holiday Foods

Have you considered including holiday items in food storage? These items would most likely fit under comfort foods. However, it would be nice to have these foods available, especially if you are struggling financially. This can alleviate your worries, and free up some money for other expenses. Here are five items that you should consider including” 1) You should consider storing pie fillings. This can include canned pumpkin. You can also can homemade apple pie filling as well. If you like chocolate pies or cream pies, you should consider storing the pudding needed to make these pies. Crusts are fairly … Continue reading

How to Use Holiday Food to Save Money

Many holiday foods are starting to go on sale in anticipation of the holidays. The grocery stores want you to shop with the, so they will deeply discount the items that you need for your holiday table. To be frugal, take advantage of these sales and use the items in your cooking throughout the year, making the cost per serving of your regular meals go way down in price. Here are some of the common holiday foods that you will find on sale and how to use them to save money. Turkey and Ham The bigger the better with these … Continue reading

Author Interview – Barbara Salsbury

Today we are joined by Barbara Salsbury, author of “Preparedness Principles.” I reviewed her book earlier today, and if you’d like to read that review, click here. Barbara, thank you for being here with us today. Now, you are considered a preparedness guru. How did you come to acquire the knowledge you have? I’m sure I was born with a deep interest in being prepared. It has to be part of my DNA. A lot of experiences and trials in our lives also proved that it does not necessarily have to be THE BIG ONE in order to require the … Continue reading

Food Storage: Dealing with a Food Shortage

With the recent droughts and flooding, it can be difficult to find and purchase certain items for food storage. This may make getting food storage just that much more important for you to do. But how do you get those hard to find items, and are you prepared to pay more for them? You may consider getting other grains instead of rice and wheat. Before you purchase 100 pounds of barley, make sure that you know what to do with it. You should consider how you would use it. You may want to purchase a little extra so that you … Continue reading

June 2008 Preparedness Goals

For June’s preparedness goals, we are going to focus on what you need to store. This is really just getting a plan together. You will store different things then I store. Each situation is unique. You should put together an overall plan, but I a going to divide it into three sets of questions you should ask yourself, and then give you a challenge on what you should purchase this month. 1) First think of your three month food supply. The church counsels us to store three months of food that we eat on a regular basis. This food should … Continue reading

There is Hope for Gatorade Lovers!

You may love the taste of Gatorade, but the calories you can certainly live without. Perhaps you’re sensitive to sugar and have to watch your intake or you’re just trying to lose a few pounds and feel that cutting back on calorie laden beverages may help. (It will!) Whatever your reason, the Pepsi Company has finally come up with a solution. Pepsi is now offering a low-calorie version of Gatorade for those of us who have had to stay away from the original version for various reasons. The low-cal G2 is a response to the growing demand for non-carbonated beverages … Continue reading

Grocery Deals of the Week – QFC / Kroger

QFC (Kroger in some areas) is consistently higher than the other stores in my area. I shop there for two reasons: they have great loss leaders, and their customer service is miles ahead of the Safeway in our town. I picked up Mentos at 10/$10. Why Mentos? It’s a homeschool thing. Have you seen the videos of the Eepybird guys exploding them in Diet Coke? I have a budding scientist who has been dying to try it. Five packs of Mentos (mint flavor only) and some diet soda also on sale at 10/$10, and it’s pretty cheap entertainment for a … Continue reading

Three Month Supply

It is interesting to me that we are now being urged to store a three-month supply of food. Since I live in a fairly small apartment this seems much more manageable. It is something that we can acquire fairly quickly and plan easily. If you are unsure on where to begin you can visit www.providentliving.org. The church provides a basic outline of the types of foods that you should be storing. In the guidelines for the three-month supply of food, it suggests that you store food that you are used to eating. In reality this would be a good principle … Continue reading