May 2008 Preparedness Goals

I have gotten off track on the food storage goals. This month we are going to focus on our emergency kits. If you already have one you can focus on something else that you need, or you can add to yours or update the supplies. Emergency kits are commonly used in disasters, and it is important that everyone has one. You should start with the basics and move up. Here are three basic goals you should work in regards to your emergency kits. 1) Ideally you should have an emergency kit for each member of your family. The one exception … Continue reading

Christmas Gifts to Help Your Family Stay in Touch

If you live far away from your relatives, Christmas is a time that can bring you closer together. As parents you may be looking for gifts that will help your children connect with their grandparents. Technology has opened many new doors to make this a much easier process. Here are five gifts that you can give to help your family stay more connected. In later blogs I will list specific suggestions on how to better utilize these gifts to stay in touch with each other. 1) If you do not already have a web cam this is a great gift … Continue reading

Small Emergency Kits for School and Work

What happens if there is an emergency and you cannot return to your home, but must immediately evacuate or report to a shelter? Your carefully prepared emergency kit will be at home and you will be wishing that you had access to it. This is the reason that I suggest that children have a small emergency kit that they take to school with them. I also recommend an emergency kit in each of your vehicles and a small kit that you keep in your desk at the office. If you plan carefully and combine these together you may have enough … Continue reading