Protecting Yourself as a Single Parent

This has been kind of a scary week for me. Last Saturday I had the bright idea of taking Logan downtown to walk around Temple Square and see some of the sights of downtown Salt Lake City. We’ve done this on several occasions, attended outside concerts, and browsed along the streets together. But now, I’m afraid I am going to have to think twice the next time I consider traveling downtown just the two of us. We decided to take the Trax Train in order to avoid the stresses of parking in Salt Lake. The ride up wasn’t so bad. … Continue reading

Parents Coming to Their Children’s Defense

People are still talking about the shouting match… I mean interview… CNN’s Nancy Grace got into… I mean conducted, with murder suspect William Balfour’s mother earlier this week. Balfour is the man police are calling a “person of interest” in the brutal slayings of Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew. Police say all three were victims of multiple gunshot wounds. The latest reports say Hudson’s young nephew, Julian King received two fatal gunshot wounds to his head and that the shots were fired at close range. Shortly after that news broke Balfour’s mother appeared by phone on … Continue reading

Self-defense Parties

Have you heard about the newest craze in teen parties? Self-defense or personal protection parties are fast becoming popular among the teen set, for those wishing to learn how to protect themselves against an aggressor. Geared mainly for females, participants are taught self-defense in the comfort of their own homes. Partygoers are taught how to kick, punch and use their voices as weapons. The Girl Scouts are also helping young women learn about self-defense in a program called P.A.V.E. the Way (Project Anti-Violence Education). This nationwide program addresses violence and violence-prevention. It focuses on important issues including bullying, Internet safety … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Private Investigator

If you have always thought that you would make a great detective, why not start a home – based business where you can do investigative work. Private investigators take the time to sift through and analyze information in all kinds of situations, in order to provide their clients with investigative reports. In addition to excellent investigative skills, you will need good oral and written communication skills because your job will involve talking to people and finding out information, as well as producing investigative reports. As with many types of home – based businesses that require special skills, private investigators must … Continue reading

My Fake High School Wedding

This is the story of how I planned my wedding in high school. I’ll give you all a moment to recover from the shock:’s laid-back marriage blogger, she of the gender stereotyping rants and “what’s the big fuss” attitude toward schmoopy romance and wedding culture planned a wedding in her high school days. Never fear: I did it because I had to for class. My crazy gym/health teacher, the same woman who’d also make us write papers for our self-defense gym classes, made all of her students plan weddings as part of our sexual health education unit. It had … Continue reading

Green Celebrities: Charlize Theron

Whenever I see Charlize Theron on the Red Carpet, I am thrown back to old Hollywood. She takes chances with her gown designs sometimes, but she always seems regal and confident in her choices. But, she is not just a great actress (she won an Oscar for Monster), but also a philanthropist. Theron supports women’s rights. She attended the opening day ceremony of City of Joy, a community in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. The community provides women who have been victims of violence with group therapy, sex education (especially about HIV/AIDS and family planning), self-defense classes, and information about … Continue reading

Dina Lohan Sounds Off on Daughter Lindsay

What chance does a wayward child star have when his or her mother is seemingly delusional? In case you’ve missed it, Lindsay Lohan has been on a downward spiral in the most Britney Spears type of way. Lohan was Miley Cyrus before Miley Cyrus was Miley Cyrus. After a stint as a successful child model, Lohan starred in 1998’s Parent Trap and won the Young Artist Award and became a darling of Disney. Disney signed her to three more films and respected film critic Roger Ebert said Lohan had a “Jodie Foster sort of seriousness and intent focus” about her. … Continue reading

Gearing Up for Your First Home Schooling Year

So, you decided to make the big leap and home school your children? As significant as this decision was, you will be faced with many more as you embark on this journey. Here are some basic advice to guide you through the first questions and decisions you will face. Of course, things are not always this simple, but it’s best to keep our perspective and not get too overwhelmed. Home schooling is a learning experience for the parent as much as the child. What curriculum should I use? This is the question mainly asked by new home schooling parents. What … Continue reading

Homeschoolers suspicious of Arne Duncan, the new Secretary of Education

It figures. Considering that the vast majority of homeschoolers are anti-Obama, it is not shocking that his pick of a fellow Chicagoan, and buddy as the Secretary of Education would be viewed with suspicion. I spent some time perusing the internet searching for some connection to Duncan and any mention of homeschooling and found nothing. I did however, find a few opinions by homeschoolers as to our chances with him in office. Spunkyhomeschool, probably the most popular homeschooling blog online and definitely one of influence pointed out Arne Duncan’s recommendation of a high school for gay students. She also questions … Continue reading

Naomi Campbell Arrested…Again

I just do not understand what is up with modeling beauty Naomi Campbell. She is gorgeous, rich, and famous, yet something must be setting off these anger outbursts. Her rap sheet is longer than even the most diehard gansta rapper: In 2000, she pleaded guilty to a 1998 assault on Georgina Galanis, her own assistant. This assault included throwing Galanis from a moving car! The whole thing was dropped when Campbell expressed remorse, paid Galanis an unknown amount of money, and agreed to go to anger management classes. Not having learned much from the classes, Naomi was slapped (oops) in … Continue reading