Freezer Cooking: What I Love Best (1)

While there are many different reasons that I love freezer cooking, and why it is the perfect option for me and my family, there are a few reasons that I really love it. It would be silly not to mention the ease of doing it, the time it saves and the amount of money it saves, but I can do better than that. No More Nightly Ties To The Kitchen That was probably my primary reason originally to begin freezer cooking. I wanted to avoid standing in my kitchen, trying to decide what’s for dinner, and then having to spend … Continue reading

Using Your Freezer to Store Foods

Maybe you are interested in the idea of storing food for emergencies, but you have a hard time with the limitations of storing only nonperishable food items. Perhaps it is time to consider adding another facet to your food storage plan: utilizing foods stored in the freezer. Storing foods in the freezer opens up the idea of storing a vaster array of foods, including meats and pre-made, home-cooked meals. Maybe the idea of storing foods in the freezer makes you nervous. You may consider what might happen in case of a long power outage, where your freezer would eventually get … Continue reading

Essential Items for Freezer Cooking

Thinking about freezer cooking? Freezer Cooking, also known as Once A Month Cooking (OAMC) is an incredible way to save time and money on food every month. In this series of articles I plan to break up the different aspects of freezer cooking to make the whole process a bit easier for you to implement. I thought the best way to start would be to discuss the items needed for successful freezer cooking. These are not all necessarily essential for a day of cooking, but they will make it easier and allow for more flexibility. Recipes I guess the most … Continue reading

What Are the Extra Purchase Costs?

When you are about to make a purchase, do you consider all of the extra costs that might go along with it? Sometimes a simple purchase is not so simple after all. Keep the following things in mind when you are about to spend money on something. Do you need to use credit? If you are taking out a loan or using a credit card to purchase something than beware. You may wind up paying twice or more of the purchase price in interest fees. Few of us can afford a house without a mortgage, but it is a great … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: September 2008

Now that September is come and gone and the kiddies are settled back into school and regular routines, it is time to welcome the fall. Still, there is plenty of good stuff that went on in September, including a bunch of ways to save money. September 1st Frugal Living Week in Review: August 25th Through August 31st Food and back to school are the two things on my mind this week. I e-mailed my son’s teacher ahead of time to ask about additional supplies that she might need for the classroom. She said that she usually asks parents for antibacterial … Continue reading

July 2008 Preparedness Goals

This month the focus of the food storage goals will be more on your three month supply. It is important to have this in place. I am amazed at the number of wards that I know of that have covered this topic very recently. It is important to think about your food storage and do what you can. Remember you don’t have to do everything all at once, but that bit by bit you can store what you need to. Also a three month supply is much easier to find room for than a year’s supply. 1) Make out your … Continue reading

Frugal Organizational Articles

In honor of our annual fall cleaning and organizing at our home, I thought I’d provide a great set of articles to get you motivated and to think creatively on how to organize your own home. We are not like the traditional family where we do Spring Cleaning because with such a large family, we really have to do seasonal cleaning. This takes part four times a year, and the fall is upon us and that is when we re-evaluate our methods for organization and see what is working or not working for us. During the month of September I … Continue reading