Seventy-One Foster Children… and Counting!

Thomas Rose and his wife, Ann Rose, have been foster parents to a total of seventy-one foster children over the years. They are hoping to welcome another foster child into their family very soon. Many of their former foster children remain in contact with them. This must mean that this non-traditional family is doing really well. Over the years, the definition of “family” has changed quite a bit. It has grown from the connection between people who are blood relatives to the relationship between parents and their non-biological children. This can make things a bit challenging for a genealogist, who … Continue reading

Teaching Children Self Reliance

Often when we think about preparedness and self-reliance the focus turns to food storage and a financial reserve, but have you prepared your children for adulthood? Have you taught them self-reliance? These are important skills to teach your children. It is not fun for a child to go off to college and not know the basic skills to take care of their laundry or how to cook. But there are additionally skills you should teach your children as well. One important skill that you should be teaching your children is to manage money well. You can do this in many … Continue reading

Cultivating Your Testimony

Testimonies are very fragile. They need to be cultivated on a daily basis. There are times when it seems that you are strong, but seem to forget the need to continually nourish your testimony. It is also easy to push your testimony to the back burner as you struggle to meet the daily demands of being a parent. The simple fact is that the most important thing you can do each day is to nourish your testimony. You can do this by studying the scriptures and praying. Of course your children needs must be met, so you may need to … Continue reading

A Quick Guide to Your Baby’s Teeth

Maybe it’s just me but I knew all sorts of things about my baby’s development. I knew when it was normal to hit all sorts of milestones from the first smile to jumping up and down! But I didn’t really know a lot about dental development in infants. It seems to be somewhat of a forgotten subject. I knew to brush the gums once a day. I knew to brush teeth after meals but when it came to knowing things about the normal eruption of teeth or how many teeth a toddler should have–I drew a blank. So in case … Continue reading

Do You Know Where Your Teenagers Want to Go in Life?

As parents, we spend a great deal of our time and energy trying to make sure we raise our kids to be loving, caring, and contributing citizens. We struggle to impart some of our wisdom, experience, and values on our children and hope that we are doing a decent job with all of our parenting efforts. By the time they get to be teenagers, we may really feel a sense of panic about all the things we still need to teach and share with them before they fly the nest. With all this to think about and work on, we … Continue reading

Trying to Understand Teenagers

While the phrase “I will never understand women” is popular, as the parent of a teen I think that is less complicated than trying to understand teenagers. Their emotions can sometimes be all over the place. What was funny to them one day will suddenly cause them to break into tears the next day. One moment they are in this great mood and the next they are suddenly sullen. It can be hard to keep up with the ever-changing emotions at times. I think one of the most clueless people in my home is my husband. I don’t mean to … Continue reading


“Someday” is the name of a book my mom gave to me when I was first pregnant. The simple, yet poignant story is written by Alison McGhee, an award winning author, and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, who also illustrated Megan McDonald’s “Judy Moody” series. The book is only forty pages, full of illustrations, with only a handwritten line or two on each page, but it speaks volumes to my heart. As a mother and a daughter, I found this book to be incredibly beautiful. From the very first line I could tell it was going to make me tear … Continue reading

In-Home Restaurant

My girl is at that age where she is excited and eager to help out and be involved in everything that is going on in and around the house. She wants to help pour the milk into her cereal bowl, throw dirty clothes into the washer, pull weeds in the garden or anything else we are working on – she wants to lend a hand with all of it! It is quite lovely and incredibly endearing. I sincerely hope she stays this enthusiastic about being a helper. One recent evening, when Grandmom and Grandpop were visiting, I decided to make … Continue reading

Independence Day

Teaching your special needs child to be independent in his thinking and actions doesn’t have to be a daunting task; it can be a new chapter in your lives together. Preparing him for adult life is an adventure you can both share and an opportunity for you to teach your child about the journey into adulthood. As a parent, your first concern is his safety and wellbeing. It’s normal to nurture. However, there comes a time in your life when you are no longer able to provide some or all of your child’s daily needs. Preparing your special needs child … Continue reading