May 2008 Preparedness Goals

I have gotten off track on the food storage goals. This month we are going to focus on our emergency kits. If you already have one you can focus on something else that you need, or you can add to yours or update the supplies. Emergency kits are commonly used in disasters, and it is important that everyone has one. You should start with the basics and move up. Here are three basic goals you should work in regards to your emergency kits. 1) Ideally you should have an emergency kit for each member of your family. The one exception … Continue reading

Five Things to Consider When Storing Food for Young Children

When you plan food storage for your family, you need to take into consideration the needs of your children. If you have infants, toddlers or preschoolers you may want to take the nutritional needs and eating habits of children that are so young. Here are five areas that you should consider. 1) If you are planning on having a baby you may want to stock up on formula (at least enough for emergencies when you cannot nurse), baby food, diapers and wipes. While you can make your own baby food certain vegetables are not as safe to use, and so … Continue reading

Family Fun Pack

Grab a backpack. It can be one that you happen to have around that nobody is currently using or you can pick up a new one. You’ll probably find them reasonably priced this time of year, since we’re past the back to school season and heading into the holidays. You will want to find a pretty good sized one, not one of those little compact jobs, because you’re going to fill it with things for the entire family to do while on road trips in the car or engaging in other types of travel, and while sitting in waiting rooms … Continue reading

Emergency Kits Make Great Christmas Presents

A great Christmas present for all of your unprepared family and friends would be an emergency kit. The Red Cross has begun recommending a five day kit, instead of the standard 72-hour kit. However, you can decide the length of the kit. You can purchase an emergency kit for your friends or family or you can assemble one of your own. In reality your gift will have to be completed once they have received it, since it may be difficult to buy and include extra clothing and prescriptions for each individual. You may want to start off by making a … Continue reading