Keep Your Pets Safe on Halloween

Halloween is fun for humans, especially children. Keep in mind, though, that Halloween can be stressful, or dangerous, for your pet. Banfield Pet Hospital has a guide to Halloween safety that pet owner should read over. It can help you avoid tragedy and a pet insurance claim. It is understandable that pet owners will want to share the fun of the holiday with their pets. After all, pets are part of the family! Pet owners need to keep in mind that there are many things associated with Halloween that can lead to a dangerous situation for your dog or cat. … Continue reading

Halloween Safety

It’s the night before Halloween. The kids are getting anxious to get out there and start trick-or-treating. Before long ghosts and goblins will be running the streets looking for some Halloween fun, but don’t forget to remind your kids about the importance of staying safe on Halloween this year. Most kids know that they’re supposed to look both ways before crossing the street, but sometimes in the excitement of everything they forget the basic things they’ve been taught from the time they were two. Remind them to never go into a stranger’s home. If they tell you to come in … Continue reading

Is Your Home on Lock Down?

Today, as I was walking to my daughter’s school to pick her up, I glanced to my right at the top of my street and noticed that there were about a dozen cop cars. I asked a bystander what was going on, and he didn’t know, but said that guns were drawn. I immediately worried about getting my daughter from school even though it was in the opposite direction. I soon found out that her school was on lock-down. As I walked to school, I just knew that everything was going to be fine. I said a little prayer we … Continue reading

Backing Up Safely

I’m a worrier. I sometimes have irrational fears when it comes to my son. I love him so much and couldn’t bear if anything were to happen to him. While I know that much of my anxiety is unwarranted and that the chances of something happening aren’t particularly high I still find myself worrying about him. I recently read an article put out by one of our most renowned children’s hospitals here in Utah and while it only reiterates my fears, I think it is an important thing for us as parents to be aware of. The article stated that … Continue reading

Keeping Our Kids Safe

As a parent, we always worry that something will happen to our children. We try to anticipate any situation they could be in that could be harmful and help them avoid it. We give them tools to keep themselves safe. Sadly sometimes, it’s not enough. When you are a single parent keeping your child safe becomes even more of a challenge. Due to only being one person and having to work, you are not able to supervise as much as you would like to, you can’t always be there, just a shout away if they need you. Recently in my … Continue reading

Teaching Your Child About Patriotism

As a child I always enjoyed the 4th of July festivities, but I never really understood what they were for until I was much older. I hadn’t yet learned to appreciate all of the freedoms we are so fortunate to experience in this great country. I was unaware of the sacrifices that were being made by people all around me so that we could enjoy these freedoms. As I have gotten older and gained some life experience, I have gained a deep appreciation for the men and women who have fought for our country so that my son and I … Continue reading

How Safe Are Public Pools?

A friend posted an article on Facebook about a $50-million public pool that just re-opened up in one of my old neighborhood haunts in Brooklyn. The facilities look amazing in the photos, large and well-kept. The problem: recent teen violence that included two police officers getting punched in the face. I remember back to my own public pool experiences growing up. There we were, all smashed together like sardines and loving it. I also remember cutting my foot on the bottom of the pool, whether it was on a rough edge or a piece of glass. I’m not sure which, … Continue reading

Summer Swimming Safety

Drowning is one of the leading causes of deaths among children under 12 years old. However, that’s not the only danger you have to worry about when you take your son or daughter to the pool this summer. My 7-year-old daughter is a fish. She swims with ease and is very mindful of water safety measures whether she is at the pool, ocean or lake. As a mom, my level of anxiety is quite low when we take a water-themed family trip because of my daughter’s ability to swim. So, imagine my surprise when my child suffered a pool-related problem … Continue reading

Help Your Child Stay Safe

One of the worst things about becoming a single parent was that Hailey became a latch key kid for the first time. I worried constantly, you only have to watch the news for a few minutes to see all the danger that lurks outside of your door, and if you check the National Sex Offender Registry it becomes even more frightening. After the divorce we lived in an apartment for the first time in Hailey’s life, she went from being driven to school and picked up by her day care bus to being responsible for herself before and after school. … Continue reading

Curbing Obesity In Children

I read an article today that said that in a study of 8717 children between the ages of 4 and 9 showed higher rates of obesity in girls from single parent families. They said those same girls watched more televisions, ate more foods high in fat and sugar and less fruits and vegetable than girls in dual parent households. They authors of this study were quick to point out that this doesn’t mean single parents are doing a bad job, just that this is the result of the stress of single parenting, especially single parenting girls. Girls overall are more … Continue reading