Want to Attend a Virtual Genealogy Conference?

One of the difficulties that genealogists have when they consider attending the conference is the “attendance” part. Most people cannot simply dash off to the other side of the country to attend an interesting conference on a whim. Even nearby ones could be difficult to fit around your work schedule. An excellent solution to this problem is to attend a virtual genealogy conference. Family Tree Magazine has created a series of resources under the banner “Family Tree University”. They are doing something rather unique this summer. They will be holding the Family Tree University 2011 Virtual Conference from August 19, … Continue reading

Over-Reliance on the Web?

Allow me to briefly grumble about internet service providers (in general) as they consistently disappoint in the country of America (in particular). The customer service I’ve received has been, surprisingly, wonderful. That said, for an entire week my internet was cut off for no good reason. I live in a duplex, you see, and I had our internet set up at the beginning of the month. A day or so later our next door neighbors moved out. A week or so later I saw my ISP’s truck in front of our house. “What are they doing,” I wondered, and suddenly … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: July 2008

July went by so quickly for us! There were so many fun and frugal activities and events for us to explore, from a science camp to free movies and sand sculpting. I hope your July was equally fun and frugal. Summer is a busy time, I know. Did you miss any frugal articles last month? If so, here is an opportunity to catch up on what you missed. There are new ways to save money on food, clothing, kids, gas and more. Feel free to leave a comment on any frugal post. I read all of the comments myself, no … Continue reading

Boob Tube Babies

When I was in college, the internet was just starting to gain speed. One of my professors encouraged us all to get e-mail as it would “change the way we communicate.” All of my toys were wooden or ‘classic’ and I don’t think I had a single electronic anything when I was little. I’m only 32 and while my kids think I’m ‘old’, really, it goes to show how rapidly the information age has changed our culture. I was also only allowed no more than 30 minutes of television time when I was young. Any additional time had to be … Continue reading

PETitionz.org: Your Link to Voicing Pet Food Recall Concerns

Are you upset about the recent Menu Foods pet recall and the continuing search for clues as to why it happened? Do you feel procedures should be reevaluated and/or upgraded so something like this can’t happen again? Want to do something about it? You’re not alone. Built in just five days, Ron Smith, together with the help of volunteers, launched PETitionz.org on April 1. I found out about it thanks to a comment Mr. Smith left on a Week in Review blog not too long ago. I contacted him and asked if he would consider being featured in a blog … Continue reading

What’s So Great About Firefox Anyway?

Why do I love Firefox? Let me count the ways… Okay, so maybe this isn’t worthy of a Shakespearean sonnet, but if I could write haiku, I’m sure it would be worthy of one of those. Firefox is an excellent browser that surpasses Internet Explorer in many aspects. Here is my top five list of reason why I love Firefox: 1) Security. Firefox was built to be more secure than Internet Explorer from the ground floor up. Add that to the fact that when a hacker decides he wants to write a worm or trojan horse for a browser to … Continue reading

High-Tech Kids

Working in the “media” category, I wanted to do some research specifically to smaller children to see what they are up to. I was surprised to a small degree that children as young as two years of age are now downloading data, games, and music to a variety of electronic devices such as a phone, computer, or MP3. TWO YEARS OLD – Good grief, when I was two – well, we didn’t have the same technology as we do today but I’m sure I wouldn’t be downloading. Today, statistics show us that as much as 15% of all children between … Continue reading

Common Single Parenting Struggles

Single parents definitely have struggles unique to the situation. However, with the right attitude and a plan of action, the struggles can be minimized. I wanted to touch on some of the common areas that we as single parents tend to find challenging. Remember, we do have resources but the first step is identifying the struggles so the appropriate action can be taken. One of the most difficult areas for single parents has to do with finances. Obviously, going from a two-income home to just one really cuts into a budget. Now paying the mortgage, car payment, utilities, groceries, credit … Continue reading

Sunday Coloring Books

Trying to successfully occupy my three small children during General Conference is like trying to hang glide during a hurricane – theoretically, it can be done, but pulling it off in real life is next to impossible. The LDS Bookstores and the Internet both abound with some great kid-friendly activities, but I have a hard time convincing myself to pay full price for things like activity books. I also like the Friend magazines, but once an activity has been completed by one child, the other two don’t have a chance. Several years ago, I came up with a thrifty solution. … Continue reading

Tis The Season To Be Morbid

Halloween—it’s a holiday celebrated by the young and the young at heart. It’s also a holiday celebrated by those who have a morbid curiosity for all things ghoulish… or by those who are simply morbid. Surf the web and you’ll find a ton of Halloween related sites that allow you to predict the date of your death (all in fun of course). For example, on www.deathclock.com visitors are welcomed with the sadistic greeting: “I’m sorry, but your time has expired! Have a nice day.” To find the predicted date of your expiration you simply enter your date of birth, smoking … Continue reading