How Vulnerable is Your Community?

Did you know that when the United States president declares a disaster, 90 percent of the time it is weather related? Some areas of the country are more prone to certain kinds of weather emergencies than others. But how do you know which ones pertain to you? or example, do you really need to be prepared for hurricanes? If you do, is there a specific time of year when hurricanes should be a concern? What about those other emergencies, both the ones that are weather related and those that might not be, such as floods, tornados, blizzards, earthquakes., etc.? There … Continue reading

Making Your Business More Socially Responsible

We have talked about ways to make your home business more “green” and the other day, I wrote about how some of us might want to make sure that our home business is relevant and serves and important purpose in our community or is making the world a better place. Another concern that some people have is whether or not their work is socially responsible? Does it matter to you if your home business is operating in a social responsible way and, if so, how can you make your business more socially responsible? I should first acknowledge that social responsibility … Continue reading

Vermont has the Healthiest Kids

We all want our kids to be healthy! It appears that the state of Vermont is doing very well towards making that hope a reality. Data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control about the Green Mountain State shows that Vermont has the healthiest kids in America. How does what Vermont is doing compare to your state? The Centers for Disease Control’s Data Resource Center released a survey called The National Survey of Children’s Health. It took the results of the survey and presented them in a way that made it more accessible to parents (as well as other researchers … Continue reading

Amica Insurance Has Tips to Beat the Heat

It is Summer, and the weather is hot! Many parts of the United States are currently experiencing a heat wave. High temperatures can be very dangerous, and even lethal. Amica Insurance has some tips that can help you beat the heat, stay cool, and stay safe this Summer. I’ve been getting email from friends and family who live in the Midwest. All of them have noted that the temperature has hit the 100’s, and that it is way to hot to even consider going outside. A quick glance at Twitter tells me that my friends, across the nation, are also … Continue reading

What is a Bug Out Bag?

Do you have a bug out bag? Do you even know what that is? Bug out bags are gaining in popularity these days. Find out if it makes sense for you to have one. A bug out bag is a portable bag that contains all of the items that you would need to survive for 72 hours in the event that you need to evacuate from a disaster, such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when so many were stranded without food, water or medical care. “Bugging Out” is the practice of taking your bug out bag and going to … Continue reading

Which States Are Most Prone to Which Disasters?

Wondering where your state falls in terms of natural disasters? Knowing what you could possible expect in your area can help you be prepared. The National Weather Service and USA Today put together a map of where common natural disasters are most likely to occur. That said, keep in mind that natural disasters can occur anywhere in the country. For example, while Connecticut is not listed as particularly vulnerable to blizzards, I saw my fair share of them while living there years ago. Blizzards Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, … Continue reading

Be Prepared for Wildfire

Analysts say that this year is going to be a very active one for wildfires. Residents and visitors in vulnerable areas should be prepared to take precaution and to have a a safety plan in place. What are the states most prone to wildfires? Western states from Washington to New Mexico plus Texas are most prone to wildfires. On the east coast, Florida is also prone to wildfires. If you live or visit one of these states, take precaution. There is plenty that you can do right now to reduce the risk of loss of property and loss of life … Continue reading

Personal Workplace Disaster Supplies

If you are at work in the event of an emergency, don’t count on being able to go home or even to a shelter. You may be required to shelter in place at your workplace overnight or longer. Being prepared is important, and you can’t count on your employer to provide emergency supplies that you might need. Prepare an emergency kit and keep it in your workplace to be safe. Your kit should contain the following items. A flashlight with extra batteries. If the power is out, navigating the inside of an office building or other workplace can be very … Continue reading

Be Prepared for a Flu Pandemic

The 2009 appearance of H1N1, or Swine Flu, reminded us all of the real possibility of a devastating flu pandemic in our lifetimes. Because of this, it is good to be prepared. Knowing what to do in advance as well as how to prepare can minimize or eliminate the personal risk of a flu pandemic to you and your family. Here is what you need to know in order to be prepared. A flu pandemic is one that occurs worldwide. It could be made up of any kind of flu, from seasonal flu to bird flu to H1N1 to another … Continue reading

How to Pick an Emergency Contact

Designating an emergency contact is a very important part in the plan to disaster proof your home and your family. This step can take as little as five minutes, although it is easy to overlook, and most people ignore it. Here is what you need to know in order to pick an emergency contact. Get this step done, if you want to be really prepared for potential emergencies and disaster. What will you do if an emergency strikes and you can’t get any information about what is happening? What will you do if your family members are in different locations, … Continue reading