Deals at Boston Market, Long John Silver’s, Starbucks, and More!

The end of the month is a great time to take your family out to dinner. There are a lot of restaurants, fast food places, and cafes that have coupons that will expire on the very last day of particular month. Before you head out the door, take the time to look over this blog. Take advantage of these deals and coupons. Daphne’s California Greek has two coupons for you. One gives you $2.00 off any Daphne’s entree. The other gives you a Classic Greek Salad for $5.99. Each coupon will expire on January 27, 2013. Long John Silver has … Continue reading

Love Your Pet but Not the Cost? How to Reduce the Cost of Raising Your Best Friend

Have you ever taken the time to calculate how much your furry or feathered friends are costing you each month? There is food, vet care, that regular application of flea and tick protection, grooming fees, litter or bedding, and of course toys, treats and equipment such as carriers, cages and the like. Depending on where you live and how eco-friendly or upscale you want to go with food and supplies, expect to pay up to $1,500 for a cat and $2,000 for a dog during the first year. Rabbits, hamsters, birds and fish are somewhat less expensive. Let us take … Continue reading

Anticipating Expenses in Your Budget

When establishing a budget, it is important to account for variability. Some monthly expenses change a bit each month, such as your energy bills, others are paid bi-annually or annually instead of monthly, such as taxes, and some pop up unexpectedly. Others expenses may vary in their amounts each month. Knowing how to anticipate your expenses will leave you with a solid budget that is always in the black. First start with the stable expenses, those that do not change from month to month. Some examples might be your car payment, your mortgage payment, or a student loan. You can … Continue reading

Should You Get Your Dog A Flu Shot?

Today in “vaccines I didn’t know existed for dogs” (last time it was for Lyme disease): canine influenza. That’s right, you can get a flu shot for your dog. Pet website ZooToo takes a look at it. Apparently, dog flu is a thing. I have to say I’ve never heard of it, not the way I’ve heard about bird or even pig flus. The difference is that while those strains can pass to humans, canine influenza doesn’t. It’s basically just dogs getting the flu, in a particular strain that won’t infect us. So while we might have to worry about … Continue reading

Extending the Life of Your Food

I really hate to throw out good food, but it happens so often. Leftovers get forgotten in the back of the fridge, produce is bought with good intentions and then not used in time or food is left out too long on the counter. One time, we had to toss a whole bag of frozen food because both my husband and I had thought each other put the food away. Sigh. Minimizing food waste is a good way to reduce the food budget. Here are some of the ways that my family now minimizes food waste. Having a Plan If … Continue reading

What Are Your Baby’s Favorites?

They say that every baby is born with a unique and distinct personality. After having 3 babies myself, I can definitely say that is true. One of the fun things about this stage that my baby is in is that we see more of his personality a little bit each day. I love it. Along with a personality comes a baby’s likes and dislikes, and believe it or not, babies even have “favorites” at this stage. Of course, as baby grows, his favorite things will grow and change too. But, sometimes, they will stay the same. What is your baby’s … Continue reading

How to Water Your Plants During a Drought

Water, water. Sometimes it’s not everywhere. Sometimes there is no rain to be found, not for days and weeks. This is scary for farmers and deeply frustrating for gardeners. In a drought, plants die, and if you rely on these plants for food and shade, this can be very difficult. How can you weather drought and plan for future dry times as well? Let some of your plants go dormant. Lawns and moss will go brown. This is fine. Keep your lawn a little longer before the dry season begins so that it will make as much shade and conserve … Continue reading

Planning For A Vacation With Your Toddler

In about a month, my husband and I will be taking our sons on our annual vacation to Cape Cod. My dad has a time – share week there, and we go there to stay with him. Last year and the year before that, we had a great time vacationing with Dylan. This year will be the first time that Blake goes to Cape Cod. While I am not worried about our vacation, I do want to prepare myself (and my husband) for our first lengthy excursion with a two and a half year old and a baby who will … Continue reading

Taking Your Pets to Work

Last week saw a new sort-of holiday, Take Your Dog to Work Day, which indicated a growing trend: pets in the workplace. The North County Times looks at the trend. Just about the only cases you’ll see of animals actually living at the office are for cats, like library cats or the one that lives in my sister-in-law’s office. However, more and more employers are starting to allow the dogs to come in to work with their owners. Some very dog-friendly businesses allow this every day, others just haves special times sent aside, like Take Your Dog to Work Day. … Continue reading

Dealing with Your Triggers

In my last blog I talked about knowing your triggers…the things that cause you to slip from making healthy food choices or staying consistent with exercise. I mentioned that sadness is my trigger for eating the wrong things and stress for failing to exercise. Hopefully you have taken the time to really consider what it is that triggers your lack of consistency. It can be the biggest detriment to living a healthy, fit lifestyle. Recognizing those triggers is just the first step. You now have to do something with that knowledge. You should come up with some helpful ways to … Continue reading