Job Security

Often with job boredom, also comes job security. Typically, once you have worked long enough at a job for the same company, you gain a level of security. The advantage to job security is that you don’t worry about losing your job. The disadvantage is with longevity also comes boredom. Not all companies or industries can provide job security, especially with our economy. However, unless you have poor job performance, it is usually the newest members of the team who are let go first. This is particularly true in large companies or union-based professions. If you are lucky enough to … Continue reading

New Jobs

With the coming of the New Year, there is often an interest in throwing out the old and bringing on the new. This common feeling inspires our resolutions, and for some that may involve looking for a new job. Whether you are forced to find a new job due to a lay off or if you just desire a change, keep these following money decisions at the top of your mind. 1. Negotiate Salary Often many new hires are unaware that an initial salary offer is negotiable. This is true for many types of jobs, even hourly. Don’t be afraid … Continue reading

Your Job and Your Finances

When it comes to your finances one very important aspect is your career or your job. There are careers that pay extremely well with very high levels of stress. These careers often have difficult work hours and may require that you sacrifice time with your family. There are careers that are less competitive and offer a lower salary. These jobs may be more family friendly and so you may be willing to sacrifice some of your pay in order to stay in the field. However someone may have a job that is high stress with low pay that is not … Continue reading

Five Tips to Prepare for Job Loss

One you are an adult, it is important to have a good job. You plan your budget, your life, and your future around the money that you bring into the home. If you are a single income family job security is even more important. It can be difficult in the business world where there can be sudden down-sizing and thousands of lay-offs. Even if you are offered a compensation package, you may have a difficult time before you find your new job. Here are some tips to prepare for the possible job lay-off. 1) You should have an emergency fund … Continue reading

Preparing to Be Out of Work

None of us wants to admit that there might be a time when there is a sudden loss of income. A job loss or disability can be devastating. However, if you prepare before something like this happens, you will have a sense of security even at this uncertain time. Get disability insurance. How would you provide for your family if one of the two family breadwinners was injured? Or what if the sole provider for your family was not able to go to work? If you are relatively healthy, disability insurance can be quite inexpensive. Of course this depends on … Continue reading