How to Find Pantry Storage Space

In a recent post, I talked about all of the frugal benefits of having a small home. A small home can save you quite a bit of money, especially in the long run. But one thing a small home usually doesn’t have is extra storage space. And when you combine lack of storage space with stockpiling and cooking from scratch (two practices that can also save you a lot of money) you may wonder if you are going to be in trouble. Finding pantry storage space isn’t always as hard as you might think. Here are some tips on how … Continue reading

The Five Minute Bedroom Pick up

The bedroom can be one of the most neglected areas of the home. Since it isn’t usually a room that is in the general flow of the household or a place that company gets to see, it can get pretty cluttered. This is a shame, because a cluttered bedroom isn’t peaceful or serene for sleep. Here are some tips on having a five minute bedroom pick up. Make the bed Making a bed actually takes less than five minutes. Making the bed is important, because it establishes a routine for the bedroom pick up, and it is amazing how neat … Continue reading

Special Considerations for Storing Baby Foods

If you have a baby in the house, it is important to consider what baby will need in an emergency. As with many stored foods, the nutritive value of canned foods slightly decreases over time. For most people this is not a big problem, but for infants those vitamins and nutrients are more crucial. It is also more important to keep your foods fresh and safe for feeding to baby. Here are some points to consider when storing food for babies and toddlers: Look ahead. Unless you want to have to update your baby’s emergency food supply every couple of … Continue reading

Five Reasons to Store Food

Here in the Preparedness blog I will be writing numerous articles on how to store food. But some of you may ask yourselves, “What is the point?” Even if you know on the surface that storing food is a good idea, can you imagine reasons that you might actually need to use your food storage? Are there other reasons other than extreme emergencies where it might be helpful to have stored food? In order to be best prepared to use your food storage when you need it, it is necessary to think about what types of emergencies you are planning … Continue reading

The Importance of Food Storage

How long could you last without a trip to the grocery store? What if you didn’t count buying fresh milk? If there was a particular reason that you couldn’t travel would you and your family be okay? As winter weather comes, you may not be able to make it to the store for two or three days and they may be low on food due to an ice storm and a run on the groceries. In addition to surviving an ice storm or a blizzard do you have enough food to last you longer than that? If you do have … Continue reading

5 Reasons Why You Need a Food Dehydrator

1. Beef jerky. My husband love beef jerky but I absolutely hate the price! With my food dehydrator, I can make a pound of beef jerky for about $5. That includes the meat and seasonings used. That same pound of jerky (with a lot of extra additives and chemicals) would cost at least $20 retail. Now that’s what I call frugal living! 2. Fruit leather. This is a great way to make inexpensive and really healthy fruit rollups at home. My food dehydrator came with liners so that all I have to do is pour applesauce or pureed fruit on … Continue reading

I Lost Some of My Stockpile

When you improperly store your stockpile, you can wind up losing money. That is what happened to me. Don’t let it happen to you. The other day, I was packing up some sandwiches to take with us on one of our frugal summer adventures when I got to the last of the roll of plastic wrap. Since I try to buy ahead when things are on sale, and I have a small stockpile, I’m never worried when I run out of certain things. I just headed downstairs to the basement to pick up a new roll. It used to be … Continue reading

Grocery Shopping The Wrong Way

I’m not a good grocery shopper. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants. I don’t have a regular shopping schedule; I just go when I see we are running low on something. Usually this means I stop on the way home from work. This is always a bad idea for two reasons, number one, I don’t have a list and number two I’m starving before I’m halfway through the store so that means I buy lots of stuff that I don’t need. I used to be much better at grocery shopping. I went every weekend. I made … Continue reading

How to Build Up a Stockpile

Having a stockpile of basics and favorites really helps you save money in the long run. You can prevent extra trips to the store; you can have plenty on hand to serve for dinner and avoid take out costs; you can get your food items at the lowest prices. The best way to build up a stockpile is usually slowly. This way, you never spend too much money at once, and you can have a plan in mind when it comes to storing your stockpile. concentrate on building up just a few items per week until you have a good … Continue reading

Is Your Family Prepared?

My first experience with talking about food storage to someone who was not a member of the church came just after 9-11. She pulled me aside to let me know that she had purchased extra groceries just in case something happened. She was quite proud of herself, but then she went on to explain the other ways and reasons that she purchased in bulk and in advance. She felt that food storage was a good thing especially for the disasters that may come in our lives. She was right, but sometimes people look at our food storage and provident living … Continue reading