It’s Conference Weekend and Time to Rotate Your Emergency Kits!

A great time to rotate your emergency kits is conference weekend. Many of the supplies that you store in your emergency kit are best rotated every six months. You can use the snack food as treats while you watch conference. You can also use the time to rotate the clothes from clothing for warm weather to clothing for cooler weather. While you are looking at your food supplies, check to see if your medication and first aid supplies need to be updated. This is fairly easy to do. If you do not have your entire kit together you can add … Continue reading

Auto Emergency Kits

Some of the most tragic stories of vacations gone wrong are often those where a person or family experiences a situation where they are lost or stranded in their automobiles. While the risk of life and death situations are far more common with winter driving trips, no matter the season families can suffer great peril when traveling by car. The truth is that most of the tragic stories we hear on the evening news may have been avoided had families considered and prepared for the worst possible situations they might face along their journeys. When we jump in the car … Continue reading

Emergency Kits Make Great Christmas Presents

A great Christmas present for all of your unprepared family and friends would be an emergency kit. The Red Cross has begun recommending a five day kit, instead of the standard 72-hour kit. However, you can decide the length of the kit. You can purchase an emergency kit for your friends or family or you can assemble one of your own. In reality your gift will have to be completed once they have received it, since it may be difficult to buy and include extra clothing and prescriptions for each individual. You may want to start off by making a … Continue reading

Five Ways to Prepare Your Emergency Kits for Cold Weather

It is the time of year to transition your emergency kits from summer to winter kits. This is important since there are different survival requirements for cold weather. It is also a great opportunity to rotate out your supplies and make sure that you keep your food fresh and ready to eat. 1) You should switch out your clothes from summer clothes to winter clothes. Be sure to include several pairs of heavy socks, a heavy sweatshirt, warm pants and a coat. It is easier to stay warm if you dress in several layers of clothing, so you may want … Continue reading

Personal Workplace Disaster Supplies

If you are at work in the event of an emergency, don’t count on being able to go home or even to a shelter. You may be required to shelter in place at your workplace overnight or longer. Being prepared is important, and you can’t count on your employer to provide emergency supplies that you might need. Prepare an emergency kit and keep it in your workplace to be safe. Your kit should contain the following items. A flashlight with extra batteries. If the power is out, navigating the inside of an office building or other workplace can be very … Continue reading

Follow the Counsel to Be Prepared by Starting Simply

With the downturn in the economy, and the beginning of the severe weather season in the Midwest, it is an excellent time to be prepared. The church leaders have established the counsel of preparedness and provident living to help us during difficult times and to give us peace as we face unknown situations. As you prepare for your family you should pray and make sure that you catering to your family’s individual needs. One of the easiest you can do to begin preparing for food storage is to set up a 72-hour kit for each member of your family. Simply … Continue reading

May 2008 Preparedness Goals

I have gotten off track on the food storage goals. This month we are going to focus on our emergency kits. If you already have one you can focus on something else that you need, or you can add to yours or update the supplies. Emergency kits are commonly used in disasters, and it is important that everyone has one. You should start with the basics and move up. Here are three basic goals you should work in regards to your emergency kits. 1) Ideally you should have an emergency kit for each member of your family. The one exception … Continue reading

Wildfire Evacuation Plan: When the Order is Urgent!

It’s fire season again! In fact, it seems things are heating up and burning earlier this year and wildfires are impacting parts of the country normally considered to be a lower risk. As we enter the height of the 2007 fire season it‘s looking like more people will need to consider ways to protect their homes, mitigate their risk exposures and evacuate their properties. Evacuations are ordered by local government officials when disaster threatens an area. Local radio and television stations generally issue reports when a disaster threatens an area. When local officials ask you to evacuate, you need to … Continue reading

Warm Sleepers and Cold Sleepers

I was looking over a camping website and found a discussion going about “warm sleepers” and “cold sleepers”. A warm sleeper is the type of person who doesn’t need blankets and can sleep comfortably outside without zipping up the sleeping bag. A cold sleeper will shiver through a night that a warm sleeper wouldn’t even notice. Some of what makes you a warm sleeper or cold sleeper isn’t stuff you can affect easily. Your metabolism and body size play a large part in determining what kind of sleeper you are. But there are some things you can do to make … Continue reading

Maintaining Your 72-Hour Kit

Recently, my husband and I went through our 72-hour kit of food that we had’?t touched for probably two years. Not surprisingly, all of the food was pretty much inedible. I mean, I know beef jerky is suppose to be tough, but I don’t think it’s suppose to shatter into hundreds of pieces when you hit it against a hard surface. We realized that we should have been more responsible and replaced the food regularly. Had we experienced an emergency where we needed to use our kits, we would at least have had something, but it would have been pretty … Continue reading